Although this only applies to a very few souls, some unfortunate ones do stay suspended without fully transitioning to the “other side” for centuries and centuries until someone helps them over. The reasons for this phenomenon are fascinating and varied.
In the last 20-years of transitioning spirits into the afterlife, I have found that souls who get stuck fall into several basic categories. It's also true that many of us possess a few of these characteristics even now, but it is generally those - in the extreme when they pass - who remain stuck until someone helps them over.
Below are some of the basic human traits that slow the transitioning process to something less than just zipping over to the "other side". The degree to which these affect you can determine how slow your process might be.
In this series of two blog posts, those reasons will be explored – some which we can try to prevent in this lifetime and others over which we will have little control now or later.
In part 1 of 2 we will explore the categories that could be preventable and what a corrective option would look like for each:
(1) NOT A SPIRITUAL PERSON. This type of person may not realize there are actually options after death, have no belief in a life after death or have absolutely no belief in a Higher Power or God. Corrective option: One doesn’t have to be a fervent believer but simply being open to the possibility can help.
(2) DUTY. Some feel a duty to stay behind because of a feeling of responsibility for someone on the earth plane. This obsession often continues after passing and prevents that soul from moving on. Option: Help unburden those near passing who feel an unnecessary sense of responsibility for someone or something here.
(3) DEPENDENCE. Co-dependency can be quite an issue if one of those co-dependent individuals dies. That dependency may cause the departing soul to stick near the remaining person because it’s impossible for them to be separated from the other. If both pass at the same time, and one doesn’t transition, often the second person sticks by his or her side. Option: Helping your friend realize co-dependency is not healthy – living or dead - or if that doesn’t work, give them the responsibility of clearing the path for you. Let them know if they pass first, to go ahead and wait for you on the “other side” - not during transition.
(4) PREVENTED. Sometimes a soul can be surrounded by dark and negative energy that prevents their transition. Other times, the soul might stay stuck because another soul is hanging on to them, preventing their ascendance. Option: If you know someone who knows how to clear negative energy (it's really easy) then ask them to do so remotely (that's possible) for theloved one who is dying. Doing that prior, prevents issues after.
(5) IGNORANT ABOUT THE PROCESS. There are so many variations within this category that could prohibit a person from fully passing: (a) If a person wanted to stay with another who has also died but didn’t realize that more than one soul is able to ascend at the same time. (b) just didn’t know what to do and was totally confused by death (c) waiting for a guide or some type of instruction (d) didn’t realize there was a place to go (d) believed spirits hovered around those they loved and keep watch – didn’t understand or realize that they were to continue their journey onto the “other side”. Option: Learn more by reading, observing or asking.
(6) TOO ANALYTICAL. Individuals who are totally logical and analytical – even those believing in God – often need an intellectual reason to ascend – a clear rationale why they should “let go” and let the process happen. Option: Begin to expand your creative side, become more aware of the afterlife and become more open to possibilities, in general and learn to have faith and release the need to control.
(7) MATERIAL ATTACHMENT. Individuals too attached to material things in the earthly world sometimes get stuck and cannot fully transition because they won’t “let go” of the objects here. Option: Learn that less is more, feel the relief that scaling down can bring – try it, get help if there is a hoarding instinct or one is a shopaholic.
(8) GUILT. Some people, when they are alive believe themselves to be unworthy individuals: unworthy of love, unworthy of reward and unworthy of heaven. Could be for a variety of reasons, perhaps their family history and they mistakenly think that history somehow colors who they are, their own past mistakes or whatever. Carrying the guilt of believing themselves unworthy of going to heaven can actually make a transition difficult, for some impossible. Option: Trying to work on ridding themselves of guilt is the ideal solution for helping your soul in its journey.
Now that you know more, recognizing the glorious afterlife that awaits – let’s
all try to transition sooner rather than later. I’ve provided some tools, now it’s up to you.
Read more in the next blog - 2 of 2.