Have you ever watched a television show or movie where people die as a result of a terrible automobile accident or gruesome murder, even in war and wondered if dying that way is painful? I know people worry about such a thing if a loved one faced a tragic accidental death or something much worse. We all hope, in the face of violence, there isn’t suffering, but we don’t know.
I’m lucky that people talk to me. They aren’t the same people who talk to you, in fact they bring a totally different perspective about almost everything—especially about experiences they have actually experienced while alive. I’ve had people talk to me about dying from a violent death and they’ve explained what that’s like. So, that is the purpose of this blog—to bring closure to some who worry on behalf of someone else or those who are fearful of something like that occurring in their own life. A person might be headed off to a combat mission, might be a first responder and face danger routinely or might live in a neighborhood that’s rife with crime. Lots of people wonder.
So, this blog will touch on two things—what is death like in terms of physical pain and what is death like in terms of emotional pain. They are both dramatically different and they can be mutually exclusive issues. With that said, let me share three messages that will be revealing and to some, bring comfort.
Since it’s my style to rarely ask questions of this latest rash of very prominent visitors from the “other side” and prefer to just let them talk, I have little doubt that consistent information that comes from multiple sources is very likely the truth.
The earliest message I received on dying a violent death was a surprise visit from a local socialite who, along with her husband, were brutally murdered in their Paradise Valley Home in Arizona twenty years ago. The crime was horrific. It was reported that they were both shot and then their home set ablaze. Their bodies were burnt beyond recognition. This tragedy left the community in shock since both Glenna and Larry were quite prominent and very much loved.
I had known them both socially, albeit with very casual contact, until a couple years prior to their death when because I was dating their best friend at the time— the four of us eventually had dinner together. Glenna knew nothing of my “gifts” and for that matter, neither did Jack, the man I was dating. So, Glenna’s subsequent visit floored me. She came to ask if I’d pass the message she was about to share to their friend, Jack. She wanted to provide some level of comfort to him because they knew how upset Jack had been over this tragedy and their sudden deaths.
This visit came only a few months after the incident. Glenna gave me a
rather lengthy and detailed message which included every aspect of this cold-blooded and brutal crime, their transition and how they were now in peace. Although Glenna had no problem with me sharing her message, I’m only revealing the part that focuses on their actual death, out of respect.
While detailing the perpetrator’s demeanor and the elements that led to their death, Glenna included this in her description:
"It was all a blur and truly when something was that shocking, the fear takes over and I’m not sure any of us were in a very capable state."
She then continued to explain what we all wanted to know.
"God is glorious and truly protects victims like us. For some reason the pain isn’t really felt before we find we’re gone. It’s like our brain dopes us somehow to get through it all. Please let others know the suffering was not as horrific as one would imagine… you see God did take care of both of us."
One more unexpected visit that covered a violent murder came from Nicole Brown Simpson. In the complete message she shared with me, she revealed what happened to her and Ron Goldman that horrible evening at her Brentwood, California home. She also answered the question we’ve all asked ever since. Although the reason for the message was to explain the lesson we were to learn from that shocking event and the subsequent trial. Of course, most didn’t so she spells it out beautifully in SOULS OF LEGENDS SPEAK. Part of her explanation included addressing the topic of this blog. This is what Nichole offered without any prompting or questioning from me on whether the murder was physically painful to her.
"Tell everyone I felt little, and it was shock that protected me."
Another example of how we are protected, even in the face of such violence. I’ve chosen to preview one final soul whose account of her death has not been published anywhere before this blog. Her full message will likely occur in Volume 2 of SOULS OF LEGENDS SPEAK. I’ve included a bit more of the comments she shared since they provide context about how this woman felt about her premature passing. That woman was Amelia Earhart.
'It was so difficult leaving people hanging in thin air while they wondered where I was. There was nothing I could do. I knew I was in trouble but became disoriented and crashed into the sea. When there is impact on objects below [the surface], besides the impact from the water, there was nothing [of the plane] left, and it all sank. I was taken down with the ship, so to speak.
'I know others have told you, Sandy, but God protects us [in death]. The awareness came and then it was over so quickly. I’m not sure if I was unconscious before impact, died on impact or He took me simultaneously. I felt nothing but confusion and disorientation initially. That’s probably so common.
'However, just think of it—I died doing what I loved! How marvelous is that?'
All three of these messages will hopefully help mitigate the worry some might come for their own fate or the concern they have for what someone they loved may have faced. God does protect us from the physical pain surrounding even the most violent deaths.
I’ll only now speak briefly about the emotional pain one may face at the point of dying. This is a more complicated subject but a fascinating one. In short, the only kind of emotional pain we feel when we die is that which is self-inflicted and it is typically experienced because the person is afraid of dying and therefore holds on to that fear, right up to the end. What a horrible way to end one’s life, right?
On the other hand, most people experience absolutely no emotional pain before or at the moment they die and pass on very peacefully.
People who are given a medical prognosis of impending death have time to prepare; both themselves and their family. With time, a person can clean up some loose ends, put finances and legal issues in order and unpack some emotional baggage so they don’t drag guilt and anger with them. When there is time, it isn’t hard to identify the people who use denial to either protect their family from the emotional reality or hide from the reality, themselves. Loved ones can do a lot to eliminate the fear and desperation for control (control is fear in disguise by the way.The best way to face death is to do so in a state of love which is the antithesis of fear.
I have a blog or two upcoming that will explain what happens during the transition and even why some souls get stuck and can’t make it without help! There is so much to know, and I could fill countless blogs with some of these fascinating details. Well I won’t explain, I’ll leave that to others, but I’ll weave their thoughts together including what I’ve also learned from my friends and family who have passed, various guides and the Divine. They all say about the same thing.
One thing is for sure about all of this. God is love, protects us with tools of His love and at the end, makes the transition so very easy and actually a new beginning through transition if we can learn how to go out in love, too. With open hearts and letting pure, unconditional love flow through us to all those we know, our transition can not only be an adventure but one experienced in complete peace, effortlessly and quickly.
When we feel His protection we know we are loved.